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W S and Nancy Thompson 50th Wedding Celebration
Title | W S and Nancy Thompson 50th Wedding Celebration | |
Author | Newspaper Article from 1932 | |
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******* ***** ****** *** Ira Bieber, pa**** ** *** church of Brewster. Of the fifty relatives and friends who witnessed the wedding ceremony fifty years ago at the bride's home three miles northeast of Mercer, Mo., in 1882, only six are known to be living, and only one, Mrs. Elizabeth Beckner, of Brewster, a sister to Mr. Thompson, was present at the golden wedding celebration. Two other golden wedding couples, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Minor and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baird were present to help enjoy the occasion. Amoung the guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. James, of Tacoma, Washington, Mr. Hugh Litton, a family friend, of Freedom, Oklahoma; Mr. Robert Rockhold, a cousin to Mrs. Thompson and his two children. Lloyd and Mary. Amoung the absent ones, who could not be present, were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lewis, who are now in Long Beach, Calif., and from whom the following appreciative letter was received: "Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Thompson Brewster, Kansas. Dear Friends: As we cannot be with you on your golden wedding day, Aug. 31, we wish to be with you in memory and good wishes. Hoping you may have many returns of the day. I am enclosing a clipping from Long Beach Press of an Iowa picnic, held August 14, '32, where 86 couples who had been married fifty years or more, marched in their golden wedding club. Grand old people. Out of sight is not forgotten, W.S. I think of you often, 'pleasantly.' Your friend W. H. Lewis." One hundred and fifty-seven guests enjoyed the golden wedding dinner which was served cafeteria style from tables which groaned with their heavy weight of delicious food. The many beautiful and useful presents, amoung which was $22.50 in gold, presented the happy couple attest the high esteem and affection which Mr. and Mrs. Thompson so well deserve. Settling in Thomas county many years ago with the early pioneers, enduring the hardships and struggles of farm life in those days, much credit is due for the work they have done in helping to make this county one of the garden spots of the state, and it is to be hoped they may enjoy many more years of wedding bliss and reap the fruits of their hard labors. On account of urgent business matters the Herald editor and wife unable to attend the golden wedding celebration but acknowledge with thanks a generous sample of the delicious wedding cake, and extend congratulations to the happy couple, wishing them many more years of connubial happiness. |