Monte Vista, Col. 4-15-1889
Dear Uncle and Aunt. --
Yours of the 6th was received
some time ago. I must say
I was glad to hear from you
it has been several years
since I have heard from you
The last letter I wrote to you
was when I was working for
F.A.Bomer. at Chelsea Iowa
I was going to be smart so
I addressed your letter.
Dr. E. E. Nicholas and did not
put on box number and I
wrote another one since then
but could not hear from
you I went that spring
to Dakota and staid till
in the fall of 1886 that I |
went to Chicago and staid till
in the winter of 187 & 188 then
I went home an staid till in
the spring of 1888 that I took a
trip through Mo, Neb, Kans
?? T. and Col and finally I
settled in the San Louis
Valley I have been here since
the 27 day of June. I have
done tolerable well since I
have come out here last
summer I have averaged my
$60 per month from the first
of July till the middle of
Dec I am going to put
in a crop of 60 acres this
year I am busy of putting
my crop in now all the
land has to be irrigated
here it does not rain
Oats is worth here $2.00 per
100 lbs every thing goes here by
the 100 lbs. |
Well Uncle you wanted to
know how the climate was
here, money and so on--
The climate of this country
is quite cool owing to the
high altitude 7,800 feet above
sea level. A person have
a small capital he can
make money or other wise
a man can take up a peice
of land hold it 6 months
prove up & sell it for $1200
or $1600 the loan company
loan on a quarter of land
from $800 to $1600 owing to
locality & improvements
Small grain is all that
can be raised here. There
are about 5 or 6 other valleys
which are lower in altitude
where all kind of fruit grows
The furthest is not over
200 miles from here |
I am going to visit some
of the valleys this summer
I bought me a team about
a month ago paid $450 for
horses, harness & wagon I had
a horse one was a pony
which I bought last year
I kept a horse & buggy
but sold it I think
Uncle will do well here
I know he can make
6 or 7 hundred dollars here
if he comes out if not
My mother is dead she died
the 24 day of Mar 1888 at
10:30 P.M. So I will
close for this evening
I could write a book of
? ??? since last heard from
you Your nephew Fred J. Michaels |